Reconnect with nature for a deep sense of renewal

These mindful adventures are designed to enrich and deepen your experience in nature by cultivating the art of forest-bathing: the art of connecting with nature through your senses.

Inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku, these refreshing, relaxing and fully immersive tours will take you on a mindful journey of exploration along the beautiful trails in the Hocking Hills.

With the help of our Nature Therapy Guides, you’ll spend this time getting re-connected through a variety of mindfulness practices and meditative techniques that allow you to savor the healing powers of nature while strengthening your ability to live in the present moment.



✓ Aromatherapies
✓ Guided Meditations
✓ Mindfulness Practices
✓ Journaling (optional)



✓ Reduces Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Anger

✓ Strengthens the Immune System

✓ Improves Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health

✓ Boosts Overall Well-Being


Elevate your Next adventure with our wellness experts

These adventures are an invitation for individuals, couples and groups to feel refreshed and restored by reconnecting with nature in the Hocking Hills.

*Ideal for able-bodied hikers who can cover moderate terrain.